This will be my second production with my favorite Shakespearean troupe, the Porters of Hellsgate. As I did admit at this morning's reading, the resemblance between "Holofernes, A Pedant" and myself is closer than I'd like to admit. But how can I deny it, when the old goof is sententiously carping upon the proper spelling and pronunciation of every damn thing? Of course, there are big differences, thank the Lord. But I certainly do love to caress and fine-tune the nuances of the language, even to the extremes of logophilia where the uninitiated (that is, relatively normal people) see nothing but the trivial bricolage of demented geekdom. One dude's "way anal" geekosity is another man's... C.T. Onions... R.C. Jebb... J.L. Austin... Hardy Hansen... and so on.
Psyched As Hell & Jones-ing for Polonius,
Yr Humble Servant.
Science Snippets: WaPo Continues Misleading Its Readership
The video embedded below, along with the draft script and supporting links,
can be freely viewed on the Nature Bats Last Substack account. Comments are
2 days ago
Brilliant blog. Awesome writing. Congratulations on the acting gig. Break a leg!!