I'm watching a terrific little Netflix DVD of a 35 minute film ["MC5:Kick Out the Jams" (1999)] about the MC5, an important, loud, musically brilliant Detroit band that flourished briefly in the late 1960's. For extent of musical influence & sheer cultural power, the MC5 are often compared with the Velvet Underground or Big Star. There are some great performances on this DVD.
All the audience members--people in the film who aren't playing music onstage, if that sounds less hierarchical--are performing their youth, reveling in their youth, radiating their youth; it seems to be the most important, urgent, striking thing about them. But in the meantime every single one of them has lost that very thing.
Science Snippets: NASA Can’t Explain the Alarming Surge in Global Heat.
The video embedded below, along with the draft script and supporting links,
can be freely viewed on the Nature Bats Last Substack account. Comments are
19 hours ago
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